Holiday Provision – Club 365

Holiday Provision – Club 3652019-09-30T17:49:46+00:00

LCFHP run clubs during school holiday periods and at weekends with the aim of providing fun, games, and food for children in vulnerable communities.

Child Poverty in North Lanarkshire is above the national average according to the latest figures. Thanks to the holiday programmes Head Teachers report that children return to school in a better frame of health and mind, and also, our local food banks report that fewer families with children are referred during school holidays.


Since 2018 LCFHP have been a partner organisation in North Lanarkshire Council’s Club365 programme.

To date we’ve organised around 500 clubs and 15000 meals so far working with community anchor organisations such as Forgewood Community Centre, Centrepoint, Made4UinML2, Socialtrack, Box Soccer, Getting Better Together and Community Action Newarthill.

  • Daily Nutrition – Children received free daily activities and a nutritious hot meals on a 7 day per week basis during the summer term holidays.

  • Holiday Provision – working with the Scottish Government’s Social Justice department we provide Holiday Provision at 5 sites in North Lanarkshire.
  • Expansion – To date we’ve organised around 500 clubs and 15,000 meals and are contuously looking for opportunities to exapand our reach.

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